Shahryar Khan

Shahryar Khan

STEM Leader

Shahryar is PhD Physics candidate at the University of Houston, Texas and Buraq Space Camp alumnus from 2012. 

Shahryar is a budding physicist who is passionate about science outreach and education. He has delivered dozens of scientific talks to general audiences at diverse forums, from universities to scientific societies. As part of his role as Instructor at The Black Hole in Pakistan he runs a science lab where young students from nearby schools learn about scientific concepts through fun demonstrations. He is also part of a Teachers' Training program at The Black Hole where a cohort of 6 young college graduates are being trained to become effective teachers in physics and math for the next generation. He aims to increase the level of scientific awareness in his community and the country as a whole because he believes that STEM is the most important route to progress for any nation. Apart from his teaching and outreach activities, he is an active researcher in theoretical physics dedicated to uncovering the secrets of the universe. 

It was his selection in the Buraq space camp 2012 that he credits for his current life trajectory and in the same spirit he believes in giving back to the community. The Buraq Learning initiative is an effort he strongly believes will bring a positive change to the world because it merges STEM with the idea of sustainability, which is crucially important in a world that is being changed radically by the effects of climate change.

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